In accordance with SAFETY and REOPENING STANDARDS FOR BUSINESSES and OTHER ENTITIES PROVIDING YOUTH and ADULT AMATEUR SPORTS ACTIVITIES – Phase III, Step 1, Norton Youth Baseball Softball is moving forward with competitive play with Phase 3 guidance. Our primary goal is always to enable a safe playing environment that offers the highest level of instruction, fosters strong sportsmanship and ensures fun for all of our participants. For this summer season, in order to emphasize the safety aspect of our goal, we will be governed and guided- at all times and at every step of the way- by the 4-Phase Reopening Plan implemented by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Phase 3 guidelines from Governor Baker and the Secretary of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA), allow for Outdoor and Indoor Sports and Athletic Facilities Organizations, businesses, schools and government entities that operate outdoor or indoor sports facilities, such as athletic fields, courts and other playing surfaces, pools, and sailing and boating facilities can open their premises and facilities for use by adults and youth in Phase 3, Step 1 provided that the safety measures outlined herein are implemented by facility operators and activity organizers. Baseball and Softball are categorized as “Moderate Risk” sport and recreation activities, meaning “Sports or activities that involve intermittent contact, but with protective equipment or mitigating measures in place that may reduce the likelihood of respiratory particle transmission between participants (e.g., wearing masks, modifying play)”.
As always NYBS will comply with all federal, state and local regulations. We are following a specific COVID-19 safety plan for the 2020 season. Each component of this plan has been implemented according to the guidance received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, The Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Town of Norton Board of Health and Little League International. This plan will be adjusted when needed in order to always remain in compliance with federal, state and local regulations.
The components of the NYBS COVID-19 safety plan include:
NYBS requires strict adherence to Massachusetts policy as stated in the Massachusetts SAFETY and REOPENING STANDARDS FOR BUSINESSES and OTHER ENTITIES PROVIDING YOUTH and ADULT AMATEUR SPORTS ACTIVITIES – Phase III, Step 1 (posted July 6, 2020)
No more than 25 players or participants can be on a single playing surface/area at any one time.
The number of coaches and staff should be limited.
Larger playing areas and surfaces, such as athletic facilities that have multiple fields, may be used by more than one group at one time, provided that adequate social distance and group separation can be maintained.
To ensure group separation, teams must be spaced at least 20 feet apart while sharing a single playing field.
Face coverings and social distancing of 6 feet is required when participants are not actively engaged in an activity (e.g., on bench, huddles, breaks, pre/post practice).
Players are required to wear facial coverings while engaged in a moderate risk activity where intermittent contact might occur and it is safe to do so (i.e., while a player is at bat or on base).
No handshakes, high fives, or fist bumps.
Coaches, umpires and other volunteers are required to wear facial coverings and maintain social distance of 6 feet from players, coaches, spectators, and other persons at all times.
Participants and coaches must achieve proper hand hygiene at the beginning and end of all activities, either through handwashing with soap and water or by using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Hand sanitizer will be provided by the league and will be available in all dugouts
Athletes and coaches should bring their own personal drinks to all activities. Drinks must be labeled with the person’s name. Participants should only drink from their own containers.
There will be NO shared or team beverages allowed.
All player equipment bags must remain outside of the dugout, preferably behind the dugout.
No spitting of any kind allowed in the dugout.
No sunflower seeds or gum will be allowed this season.
Players not in the dugout and not on the field of play will be spaced out appropriately.
Teams will make every attempt to avoid shared equipment
Players will be required to fill out a COVID-19 health survey prior to attending any NYBS activity.
Spectators MUST wear facial coverings and maintain six feet of social distance at all times.
No more than 100 people including participants, players, coaches, volunteers, spectators in the aggregate in, on, or surrounding any surface/playing area at any one time, provided that there is adequate space for all participants, players, coaches, volunteers and spectators to maintain at least 6 feet social distancing.
NYBS is requiring a max of two spectators per player. Coaches are not considered spectators.
NYBS will outline areas that are specifically designated for spectators.
If social distancing is not possible in an athletic facility, spectators may be asked to wait outside the facility until an activity is completed.
Parents and spectators should not congregate in common areas or parking lots following practices or events.
Spectators should only drink from their own containers.
NYBS personnel will clean and sanitize any high contact surfaces and areas prior to and after each NYBS activity.
NYBS will ensure that hand sanitizer is available to all players.
NYBS will require only one person allowed in a portable bathroom at a time and frequent sanitation of each restroom after use.
Dugouts, benches & bleachers are allowed to open only if they can be thoroughly cleaned before and after every use and 6 feet of distance can be maintained.
For the complete state guidelines, visit: